The first episode of TNG I remember watching was this one:
Meaning, the episode about Ensign Ro, in which we meet Ensign Ro, which is appropriately titled, "Ensign Ro".
What I remember about that episode was Ro visiting the refugee camps, talking to a little girl. And in general talking about all the horrible things that happened to her. Just stating them as fact, clearly not expecting any better, nor had she ever received better.
I liked Ro. A lot. She'd been through shit. She knew what it was to go through shit. She wouldn't be obsessing or stressing out over boys, or what outfit to wear. She was like me. She had better things to be concerned about, like just staying alive, and she clearly knew what it was like to exist in a space where life was by no means a garantee, you had to fight tooth and nail for your every breath.
I remember the episode about the Q girl, and Beverly looking after her like a mother. And Best Friends, the girl with the not-so-imaginary friend. And the episode where Troi has to run the ship, has no idea what to do, and Worf has to deliver Keiko's baby. I think that may have been one of my favorite episodes. Oh, those kids in the elevator. I still wanna know how they managed to get Picard out of there.
I figure I must have started watching in about the sixth grade, probably whenever no one was home, or I was left alone, which wasn't often enough for me. I doubt I'd have been watching in fifth grade or earlier. I clearly remember the last episodes' marathon, watching the preview for the episode in which Beverly kicks people's asses (the whole Dr. Rega episode), that candle thing, the attached episode, kid befriends Data episode (boy and girl)