Monday, April 1, 2013

Role Models

Ignoring all the people who I loved but I was too young when I watched them to have them as role models.....
And considering the adults in my life thought of me as a nothing at best and a punching bag/passable sex toy at worst, let's just say I didn't have any real role models in my life, except what I didn't want to be like, and I'm not going to give any of those a-holes the credit for that either cuz even that is too much for them. So the people that were my strongest role models as a kid-now:


#2 Mary Ingalls. Laura is next. Yes, I like Mary better!

#4  Charlotte King. Yeah, I was a fan of hers long before anyone else. Because I act just like her!

#5  Cuz Punky's AWESOME.



'Nuff Said.

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